Friday, 29 July 2011


My training has gone well too although my longest ride was 100 miles which is a way short of the 2 days we have to hit 160 miles plus. I'm consoling myself with the fact that if you train for a marathon at 26.2 miles then the longest training run is only arouns 22 miles, I hope this logic works for cycling as well.
Had a recent sports massge and have another on Monday which eases out the aches and pains but is far from relaxing! My physio was explaining the benefits of imagining my legs completing a full circle as opposed to just pushing down from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock - i.e pull up as well. I put this into practice on a long ride recently and promptly nearly cramped up on my upper thighs so the 'full circle' thing ain't quire ready.
Is it possible to be looking forward to the ride but at the same time be scared shitless?

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